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What We Offer

Metagate Automation Company in Qatar offers the following information about us and what we actually do in the field of electrical services.

Our Services

Residential & Business Building Solutions

META GATE modern world is filled with smart technologies which connect our smart accessories and gadgets, and it’s just natural that our commercial buildings were destined for a similar fate.

Smart building technology by META GATE offers solutions, lessen consumption, enhance efficiency, and lower energy costs. The use of sensors built into the infrastructure and data gathered in smart buildings also enables for a substantial improvement in the management of the commercial real estate.

Thankfully, with the growing benefits of the Internet of Things (IoT) and other innovative technologies, employees are now enjoying the benefits and comforts along with their smart buildings.

Within an innovative smart building, HVAC and lighting systems, window shades and heat settings of meeting rooms allow users to see and manage usage patterns. Such systems collect data to assess it and define patterns to anticipate specific needs at any time.

Apart from offering an excellent level of comfort for employees, smart buildings also provide a series of benefits.

  • More efficient planning and use of resources
  • Getting more from the building occupants
  • Predictive maintenance
  • Improving building efficiency
  • Lowering energy consumption

Now, you can automate your world with the help of META GATE Platform and revolutionize your commercial business into an environmentally and intelligent building which saves resources and power. Our goal is to streamline the performance of your commercial building regarding energy and cost, and that offers exclusive gains advantages for commercial buildings.

From air conditioning control, fire alarm, lighting control, and office curtains control to music, and access control, etc. META GATE Smart Solutions got you covered!

Smart Cities

Our smart cities have a solution that reduces the impact of urbanization and makes cities more safer, secure and accessible to everyone.

From Smart Waste Management Systems by fully automated systems that help you keep the city clean to Smart Traffic Control Systems that regulate the flow of traffic through the city, smart cities development is the way to go.

From top-notch Smart Irrigation Systems that optimize water management to prevent overwatering and water wastage to Smart Street Lighting that operates according to weather conditions, time, and number of vehicles, and hence reduce power consumption by up to 40%, smart cities development is the way to go.

Eliminate time-wastage that comes with finding a parking space with our Smart Parking Management System that helps you to quickly find and book the nearest parking space, request cleaning and other services with minimal effort.

From the mobile app, you can also make payment conveniently with the e-wallet feature.

From Police Scanning System that makes the city safe for everyone by detecting all unwanted humans and vehicles to CCTV systems that provides full coverage of the city, smart cities solution makes cities safer.

Control air pollution and carbon emission with the Smart Pollution Control System controls that monitors the level of contamination caused by cars and intelligently communicates with traffic lights to block roads with high pollution level while enabling alternative routes.

Our Partners

Meta Gate Automation company proudly works in partnership with some of the world's leading technology companies to delivery solutions tailored for our clients' needs.